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Wavie was founded by pain

I believe that in life change starts with our own two hands. Change isn't going to fall from the sky or just happen because we have thoughts that it should. Actions make a difference. But this much, much, much easier said than done.

It’s a powerful motivating force. Losing multiple loved ones caused me to look at using tech to make the world a better place. The combination of these life experiences has provided me with a unique, first-hand perspective on issues that require attention and change. What you see is the product of using pain and sweat to build something that helps to make the world a better place. Everything should exist for a reason and possess a will to make a difference in the world.

Before Wavie, at 22 while studying I took a job at KFC and started a charity helping kids in poverty. Fast forward and I opened a free musical studio for kids in Auckland and Los Angeles. Together with Nike’s Vice president and Fender CEO, I started a music competition to give kids hope and fuel dreams. Why do all of this for no financial return? Because maybe if these things existed, my friends I grew up with could have had more support and reached their potential. Success is not defined by accumulation of material assets but rather the number of people I can help.

Yes, it’s important to give you a cool system that you love using, but it’s also important that I do things that help others. These values matter. Big tech companies may use ads and sell user data for profit, but I win over users by providing them with products and services that they genuinely enjoy using.

I think it's perhaps first-hand experience that life is very fragile that keeps me pushing to innovate and do things which can hopefully one day change the world. I can name a few times in which I look back and I'm just grateful I'm here. Each moment is a blessing and tomorrow is never promised. So every second of the day is spent trying to do good in this world. Every second a kid I could have helped is suffering, every second that passes I could have helped a student. We're all living on borrowed time so every step is in appreciation for time given and in return trying to do some good in the world.

Why does Wavie exist? To spread happiness and make people feel valued. Also, to show in life that anything is possible regardless of where they come from.

So thank you for your support. I hope you are enjoying the platform and decided to share this story so you know what you’re supporting and the values behind it.

Mini-fact: Did you know one of the first uses of Spaces was to mentor kids in need with Harvard students? That’s one of our other focus points, using tech to help social issues.

The whole idea is to spread happiness. A student might be feeling lonely, new to the city or be going through something. Taking part or even reading things in your space makes them feel valued and part of something. Getting a badge from your club boosts that belonging. Every step we take is to try make the world a better place. We all grow together and against all odds we rise.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, feedback or suggestions! Any of those goes a very long way to support our mission. Email me at

Some news about my work:


Founded in New Zealand

There are 26 million sheep in New Zealand and 5 million people. Maybe a sheep communication system is next? Sheep talk by Wavie? That "wool-d" be cool. Get it? Wool? Never mind.

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