Club management - save a tonne of time and resources.
Streamline club management with our platform: effortless member registration, budgeting, and document handling in one integrated system, saving time and resources effectively.

Build, organize, and collaborate on work in one place from virtually anywhere
Clubs + Orgs
Manage Budgets
Easily manage and view student budget applications.
Clubs + Orgs
Halve time spent
With our platform you can half the administration time taken to manage your student clubs/orgs.
Clubs + Orgs
Tools for students
Students (members or executives), have a range of tools to manage their own communities.

Helping Staff Save Time and Resources
- Comprehensive Club Management: Oversee all student clubs efficiently from one centralized platform.
- Streamlined Budget Applications: Simplify and manage budget processes with our integrated tools.
- Unified Document Management: Centralize files, forms, and student data, eliminating the need for multiple systems.
- Advanced Member Management: Utilize a comprehensive system for efficient student and club member administration.
Helping Students Manage Clubs
- Easy Student Member Registration: Simplify member sign-ups with a user-friendly interface, making it effortless for students to join clubs.
- Manage Executives: Efficiently organize and track club leadership, streamlining executive role assignments and responsibilities.
- Adopt a Club Feature: Enable seamless transitions and continuity for clubs with our unique 'adopt a club' option.
- Merchandise Showcase: Easily display and promote your club's merchandise, enhancing club identity and member engagement.
- No More Meeting Hassles: Register and manage your club digitally, eliminating the need for physical meetings for club setup.
Why Spaces for Clubs?
Engagement & Community
Spaces fosters a sense of community and belonging, crucial in times of remote interaction, by providing a dedicated platform for student clubs to thrive and engage effectively.
Streamlined Operations
With Spaces, clubs can significantly reduce administrative time through a unified solution that streamlines club registration, member management, and budget applications.
Safety & Accountability
Spaces enhances safety and accountability within clubs, ensuring that students are held to a code of conduct and that issues can be moderated effectively.
Centralized Resources
Club documents and resources are centralized within Spaces, eliminating the confusion of multiple accounts and external file hosting.